Sunday, August 17, 2014

Best Foods to Cleanse Your Kidneys.

The kidneys are major organs in your body and are responsible for clearing waste from your body, balance body fluids, form urine, and help in other important functions of the body. Every day the kidneys process the blood to sift out waste products and extra water. These become urine, which flows to the bladder through the ureters.

If not eliminated correctly, toxins can build up in the body and can cause problems such as kidney stones and high blood pressure. Cleansing your kidneys helps to eliminate toxins, improve urine flow and improve kidney function.

Important note – people with kidney disease or other medical condition may need special diet requirements and should follow their doctor or dietitian guidelines.

Foods to Cleanse Your Kidneys
The kidney can cleanse itself if you consume enough amount of fluids, which can come from foods such as fruits and vegetables as well as water and other liquids.

Water – staying hydrated and keeping your urine diluted is important for keeping your kidneys healthy. Water is the best choice, and drinking plenty of water throughout the day help your kidneys function properly. Staying hydrated is especially important if you exercise frequently or in a hot weather. In these cases you need to drink more water than usual to make up for the fluid lost by sweating.
It is important to note that if you have kidney disease, you may not need as much water, because damaged kidneys cannot get rid of extra fluid as well as they should. Depending on your stage of kidney disease and your treatment, your doctor may tell you to limit fluid consumption.

Healthy Eating
A balanced diet ensures you get all the minerals and vitamins your body needs. Fruits and vegetables improve your kidney function. If you suffer from kidney disease, you may have some nutritional restrictions that your doctor recommended. You may need to avoid certain foods if you have kidney damage, for example following low-potassium or low-phosphorous diet.

Some good foods to eat for healthy kidneys include:

Watermelon – watermelon contains a lot of water and also has a function of diuretic which can make people produce more urine so as to remove more wastes from the body.

Lemon juice – you can add to your water half a cup lemon juice a day, as lemon juice helps to reduce kidney stone formation. You can also use apple cider vinegar instead of a lemon: simply mix 6 teaspoons or so in about a gallon of purified water and drink throughout the day.

Berries- berries are very rich in antioxidants and contain many disease fighting qualities. They help to flush out uric acid from the kidneys thus keeping them healthier. Cranberries and blueberries are the best choice among all the berries, as they contain a substance that washes away the urea and uric acid from the kidneys. Also red grapes are very good for the kidneys. To learn more about the amazing healing properties of cranberries and blueberries, as well as other berries.

Apples – apples are high in antioxidants and fiber and have anti-inflammatory compounds which can improve kidney function.

Pumpkin seeds – pumpkin seeds are very good for the kidneys as they are wonderfully rich in a number of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Pumpkin seeds can promote healthy kidney function by reducing the risk of kidney stones.

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