Saturday, October 25, 2014

Herbs to Cleanse Your Kidneys

Here are some herbs that help cleanse the kidneys:

1. Ginger – ginger contains antioxidant compounds beneficial for kidney function. It also has cleansing properties and it purifies the blood and kidney of all toxins.

2. Turmeric- turmeric is rich in antiseptic properties and is used to treat many ailments. It has anti-inflammatory properties so it can help prevent and treat kidney inflammation and kidney infections.

3. Dandelion – dandelion leaves are especially one of nature’s best diuretics. They strengthen the kidneys, clearing water retention and promotes urination, and thus soothe irritations in the urinary system. Fresh or dried, all parts of the plant can be brewed into a refreshing tea that has diuretic properties. If you suffer from urinary tract infection.

4. Nettle – another herb that is used to benefit the blood and treat urinary tract infections. It has diuretic effect and keeps water flowing through the kidneys and bladder, washing bacteria away. Its high iron content makes it a great blood builder as well. Steep fresh or dries nettles in hot water for 10-15 minutes for a detoxifying, diuretic tea.

5. Parsley – this is one of the best foods that helps flush kidneys of all the toxins and is also beneficial for treating kidney stones and urinary tract infection. You can either include this food in your salad or other dishes or prepare parsley tea.

6. Marshmallow root – the root of the marshmallow plant is also a diuretic and is good for the kidneys. It helps to treat urinary problems such as urinary tract infection, kidney stones and bladder infections. Marshmallow root is considered a safe herb although it is recommended to take it several hours after taking prescription medications as it may inhibit their absorption.

7. Juniper – Juniper berries improve kidney function.  They are used for urinary tract infections and kidney and bladder stones. Juniper might also increase the need to urinate. Don’t take juniper berry if you have a kidney inflammation. Don’t use it continuously for more than 4 weeks, and don’t take juniper berry during pregnancy.

8. Yarrow – yarrow not only works as a diuretic, encouraging the kidneys to expel waste and water, but it has the added benefit of containing antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. While the diuretic action increases urine flow, the antiseptic action helps fight bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections.

9. Red clover – another diuretic herb that stimulates the removal of waste and water from the kidneys.

Herbal treatments are very versatile and effective.

More Tips to Cleanse Your Kidneys

There are several methods of caring for your kidneys and reducing your risk of kidney disease that have been proven scientifically:

1. Smoking, alcohol and caffeine – avoid smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine. Smoking and drinking too much alcohol means that your kidneys have to work harder to remove toxins from your blood.

2. Blood pressure – maintain normal blood pressure, blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. High blood pressure can increase your risk of kidney problems. 

3. Salt – salt is a mineral substance composed primarily of sodium chloride. Too much sodium can increase your blood pressure. This can damage your kidneys more and make your heart work harder. So limit how much sodium you eat.

4. Maintain a proper weight – excessive weight increases your blood pressure, which is bad for your kidneys.

The kidneys are one of the main systems and organs that your body uses to detoxify itself.


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