Wednesday, March 18, 2015

5 Habits That Wreck Your Gallbladder

Each year nearly 700,000 surgeries are done in the US alone to remove gallbladders.


Contrary to popular belief the gallbladder is an important organ that can often be saved by good nutritional therapy and shouldn’t be haphazardly removed.  Every year, people all over the US have gallbladder attacks and doctors surgically remove them without offering any nutritional advice at all to remedy the inflamed organ.

What does the gallbladder do?
The gallbladder secretes bile into the small intestines in order to break down the fat in foods for proper digestion.  (Yes, the body was created to eat fat.)  Bile can become too thick when it isn’t secreted enough or if toxins overwhelm the body and can’t be filtered out by the liver.  The bile in the gallbladder will then get thick and sludge-like and begin to wreak major havoc.  Gallstones form due to this excess thickened bile and continue to cause more severe pain and inflammation to the gallbladder.

I don’t think many people realize what they are doing to their liver and gallbladder when they are wrecking it with the five habits described below.

5 Habits That Wreck Your Gallbladder

1. Eat a low-fat or no-fat diet – How can you gallbladder secrete bile if there is no fat to digest in the small intestines?  Since the gallbladder’s job is squeezing bile in order to breakdown your fat if you eat a low-fat diet it will never need to be secreted.  Then, it will just build up, and build up until it becomes thick sludgy and uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, many of us have been brainwashed to believe that a low-fat diet is actually healthy even though the body needs healthy fats in order to fight inflammation, insulate healthy cells, keep up in a sane frame of mind, and insulate our organs.  Believe me, a low-fat or no-fat diet is not the answer to true health.  You need healthy fat for healthy bodily processes, including gallbladder health.
Make sure your caloric intake is about 30% healthy fats like pastured butter, ghee, coconut oil, cold pressed nut and seed oils and animal fats.

2. Eat Processed Foods – Processed foods contain toxic ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, rancid fats, toxic chemicals and white sugar.  These toxic foods are not easily filtered out by the liver and cause it to become fatty and unhealthy.  Since the liver works directly with the gallbladder, it creates the bile that is then stored in the gallbladder.  Bile is a substance that is made out of cholesterol and in order to have a healthy substance to help digest healthy fats it is also important to have a healthy liver.  Eating processed foods can over burden the liver and tax the gallbladder.

3. Eat Rancid Fats –  What you don’t know may really be hurting you.  Processed fats such as canola oil and olive oil that is not cold pressed and package in an opaque bottle is rancid.  Any foods fried at typical fast food restaurants is fried in rancid oils.  These oils create free radicals that can wreak havoc all over your body.  The body also doesn’t digest rancid fats the same way that it digests healthy fats, so eating these fats is causing further harm to your gallbladder.

4. Drink too much Alcohol – Since the liver is what produces the bile which is contained in your gallbladder over doing alcohol consumption can not only completely wreck your liver, but it can harm your gallbladder as well.  The two organs function hand in hand so when one is going bad the other is most likely struggling too.  You do want healthy bile to help you digest your fats.  It is important to drink alcohol in moderation for a healthy liver AND gallbladder.

5. Drink Soda – Studies have shown that diets that are high in glycemic load show an increase risk of developing gallbladder problems. Source I speculate that many of these diets that are very high in sugar and refined carbohydrates are also most likely void of fat.   Diets that are high processed low-fate foods are also consequently low in good fats in the diet.  Refined sugar is known to create all kinds of imbalances in the body which can certainly cause an imbalance to the gallbladder as well.

In conclusion

It is important to know that good digestion and good liver function is very important for good gallbladder health.  However, the habits above can most help you down the road to discomfort and problems with your gallbladder.  My advice is to eat foods that are healthy for your gallbladder, make sure you have healthy fat in your diet and avoid the habits listed above.


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