Sunday, January 27, 2013

Effectiveness of Ginger Root Tea...try it

♡ - Mother Nature's PROTECTIVE CLOAK - ♡

♡ Ginger is Mother Nature's protective cloak, shielding us from sickness on winter days.
♡ This tea is very spicy—if it tastes too strong, dilute it with more hot water and honey.
♡ Traditional advice is not to drink more than 2 cups of ginger tea a day unless you are using it as a treatment for a bad chest cold.

♡♥♡ Health Benefits of Drinking Ginger Root Tea-
For thousands of years folks have been making drinks with herbs and spices.
And you can be certain some culture will have a long tradition of brewing up a cup of ginger tea for a variety of illness and ailments.

♡♥♡ Benefits include:
-It's an effective treatment for morning sickness
-It's long been used as a remedy for heartburn
-Gives effective relief against gastro-intestinal problems
-Sip some with added honey for flu, colds and sore throat relief

♡♥♡ Fresh Ginger Tea Recipe: ♡♥♡
♡ Ingredients: (makes 2 cups)
2 cups water
½ inch (2cm) piece of root
½ tsp grated nutmeg
2 tbsp orange juice (from fresh fruit) / or fresh lemon juice
Honey or agave nectar (optional)

♡ Directions:
Thinly slice or grate the root and put in a saucepan with the water and add the nutmeg.
Bring to the *boil, simmer for 2-3 minutes then turn off the heat...
Add the orange juice and let steep (sit) for 5-10 minutes
Pour through a strainer and enjoy!
Add some honey or agave for sweetness (optional).

*Suggest not to boil the root for long as this can destroy the essential oils and some of the health benefits.

Take lots of fluids : Tea, Water, Fresh Juices to wash away toxins for a radiant and healthy body...

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