Tuesday, May 21, 2013

4 Things to Avoid.....

4 Things to Avoid
Alcohol has a very toxic effect on the liver, and will undo all of your hard detox work. It can single-handedly cause a fatty liver, or it can contribute to one. When your liver is taxed your whole body suffers. Try to eliminate or at least drastically cut back during any detox program you follow.
Caffeinated Beverages
Beverages with caffeine in them have a dehydrating effect on the body, and make the liver work overtime to process the caffeine they contain. You have to drink plenty more water to counteract the dehydrating effects they cause, so it’s easier to just avoid them while you’re trying to detox.
Sweets, Candies, Chocolates
Excess sugar will also cause excess stress to your liver, and will thwart your cleansing efforts. Try your best to cut out these foods you’re craving. You’ll find that as you release toxins from your body you’ll crave these kind of foods less and less, but you have to give them up in order for this to happen.
Overloading your digestive system leads to things moving sluggishly, and can lead to an accumulation of toxins. While you’re trying to detox you want to make sure that you’re stopping when you almost feel full, and that you’re eating freshly prepared foods that are high in fiber and nutrients.
Keep in mind that not one single detox food on this list is a magical one that you can focus all of your attention on to fully cleanse the body. Consider increasing your intake on as many as you can reasonably accommodate. Some might be hard to incorporate, either because you can’t find them locally or you can’t picture yourself adding them to your diet. Just do the best you can to come up with a detox plan that works for you and that you feel good about.

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