Saturday, March 2, 2013

Oils for Hair Growth

The 10 Best Oils For Hair Growth

Top 10 Best Oils For Hair
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One of the best ways to promote hair growth is through the application of natural oils. Oils help to nourish and moisturize, they help to add body and shine, and they can help to promote new and faster hair growth.
In this blog post, I reveal my favorite oils for hair and hair growth and share how you can use them to improve the health and condition of your hair.
Sidenote: This list contains only oils made up of a single ingredient. I believe the absolute best oil for hair is actually an oil composed of seventeen ancient natural and organic ingredients. It’s called Mira Hair Oil and it stimulates the growth of soft, silky, luxurious hair while also preventing hair graying, eliminating dandruff and stopping hair loss dead in its tracks. This oil works and I strongly recommend it. Read our Mira Hair Oil review and consider buying yourself a bottle.

The Top 10 Best Oils For Hair
& Hair Growth

Oil #1
Coconut Oil for Hair & Hair Growth

For thousands of years, coconut oil has been used to protect, clean and nourish hair. The chemical composition of the oil (medium chain triglycerides) passes easily though your hair’s cell membrane to deeply penetrate the shaft of the hair itself. This allows the coconut oil to prevent the loss of proteins and replace natural hair oils lost due to daily exposure to toxins and frequent shampooing. A topical massage with natural coconut oil is the best method for application. Keeping the hair shaft healthy not only prevents hair loss, but may help to re-grow hair. (Read More…)
Oil #2
Olive Oil for Hair & Hair Growth

The hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) puts a choke hold on hair and decreases hair follicle size. It is generally considered to be a large part of the cause of male pattern baldness. Olive oil blocks DHT from doing its dirty work and promotes normal hair growth. Being loaded with antioxidants, olive oil rids the skin of free radicals, stimulates circulation and brings nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles as well. (Read More…)
Oil #3
Lavender Oil for Hair & Hair Growth

As well as being the most popular essential oil, lavender is also considered to be one of the most effective natural treatments for the prevention of hair loss. Its ability to combat Alopecia areata (a common condition responsible for excessive hair loss) allows for considerable re-growth within months of regular use. Along with the preventative effects, lavender oil is a powerful antiseptic. The disinfecting properties of the oil not only treat many scalp conditions, but also fight microbes, fungi and other viruses. (Read More…)
Oil #4
Castor Oil For Hair & Hair Growth

Although commonly known for its use as a natural laxative, castor oil is also very effective in the treatment of hair loss. Castor oil contains Ricinoleic Acid: a strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungicidal agent, which protects the hair and scalp from infections. The omega-9 fatty acids and humectant properties in the oil moisturize and nourish hair leaving it thick, shiny and strong. (Read More…)
Oil #5
Jojoba Oil for Hair & Hair Growth

Derived from the seed of the jojoba plant, this liquid wax is similar in composition to sebum; the moisturizer/conditioner naturally produced by our bodies. Unlike most other oils used in hair growth treatments, jojoba oil does not penetrate the hair. Rather it seals the hair follicle to seal in moisture. Breaking up crusted sebum build-up is how jojoba benefits hair health. Crusted sebum makes hair brittle and creates a blockage at the root. (Read More…)
Oil #6
Almond Oil for Hair & Hair Growth

Cold-pressed from the seeds of almonds, almond oil stands side by side with olive oil for its ability to protect and moisturize hair. When massaged into the hair, almond oil removes the build up of dead skin cells which alleviates scalp inflammation and allows the hair to grow freely. Although almond oil is not known to re-grow hair, it does protect and stimulate the growth of existing hair follicles making them less prone to breakage. Almond oil is also very effective in treating skin conditions like seborheic dermatitis. People with allergies to nuts should use caution when using almond oil and discontinue use if any allergic skin reactions occur. (Read More…)
Oil #7
Rosemary Oil for Hair & Hair Growth

Rosemary oil is distilled from the rosemary herb, a member of the mint family, for its many internal and external health benefits. The oil is known to dilate blood vessels and stimulate cell division. This, in turn, encourages hair follicles to produce new hair. Rosemary oil is also believed to inhibit both hair loss and graying in addition to removing dandruff and soothing dry, flaky scalps. The disinfectant properties of the oil also aid in preventing bacteria and other harmful organisms from thriving on the hair and scalp. (Read More…)
Oil #8
Fish Oil for Hair & Hair Growth

Containing 2 essential omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), fish oil has long been known to be a critical component for health as our own bodies do not produce these acids themselves. The list of health benefits from fish oil is long and impressive. Although there hasn’t been sufficient enough research done on the benefits of fish oil on hair growth to establish a direct link, it is suggested that the nourishing effects the oil has on the skin would also apply to the hair. Unlike other essential oils, fish oil is not used topically. It is taken in a softgel form and puts its healing powers to use from the inside out. (Read More…)
Oil #9
Emu Oil for Hair & Hair Growth

This all natural oil is derived from the emu; a flightless bird similar to an ostrich. Emu oil has been used for generations in Australia by aboriginal tribes for its regenerative and therapeutic properties. Its potent anti-fungal and anti-bacterial aspects break up residue around the hair promoting better hair and scalp health. Emu oil can also facilitate a 300% increase in cellular activity in the hair creating more resilient, livelier hair without a complex brew of chemicals that strip and damage hair. (Read More…)
Oil #10
Tea Tree Oil for Hair & Hair Growth

Tea tree oil (commonly known as melaleuca oil) in a diluted solution helps to unblock clogged pores on the scalp. It also moisturizes the skin, conditions the hair and its anti-bacterial properties protect the skin from bacterial and fungal infections. By promoting the general health of the hair and scalp as well as boosting the body’s entire immune system, tea tree oil is very effective in healing damaged hair and allowing it to grow long, thick, strong and healthy. (Read More…)
Update March 2012: I originally planned to share just the top 10 oils for hair and hair growth in this blog post, but since publishing this series, I’ve discovered more oils that can help improve hair health, prevent hair loss and promote new hair growth.
I’ve posted them below so click through and read the full blog post to find out how you can use these oils, plus some recipes you can make at home.
Argan Oil For Hair
Grape Seed Oil For Hair
Mustard Oil For Hair
Avocado Oil For Hair 
Always use common sense and caution when applying or ingesting any holistic or homeopathic remedies as not all are safe for everyone. If you are allergy prone, taking any prescription medications, pregnant or nursing, very young or very old, please exercise extreme caution and only use these substances under the supervision of your physician. A little research can go a long way in making certain that you make safe, yet effective choices in holistic and homeopathic hair treatments.
Want to learn more about how to grow healthy, beautiful hair naturally? Pick up a copy ofNaturally Healthy Hair – Herbal Treatments & Daily Care For Fabulous Hair.
mira hair oilAs mentioned earlier in this article, my favorite and most effective hair oil for hair growth is Mira Hair Oil.
Mira Hair Oil transforms your hair from dull and lifeless to soft, smooth, silky, nourished and moisturized. It stops hair loss, stimulates new growth, eliminates dandruff and prevents hair from graying.
If you want to see if this oil is right for you then read our Mira Hair Oil review.


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